Italian presence at Design Bridging
Several Italian companies were present in various forms during the Design Bridging days, introduced by a direct testimony of the president of the Salone del Mobile. Milan Maria Porro and also supported by Ferderlegno and its president Claudio Feltrin.
Many Italian excellences were invited, selected from those that represent the value of Design as an integrated and transversal activity. At Design Bridging they had the opportunity to meet a selected audience of representatives of Korean companies, building developers, producers of technological solutions for living, production centers for packaging materials.
Among them, the sustainable innovation cases represented by Loccioni Group (measurement, energy, automotive technologies), by Lamberti Group (specialties chemicals for fabrics, paper, wood, leather, inks, oil&gas), from Guzzini (objects for the home, the kitchen, free time - with the particular Circle project on second-life plastics) , by Foppa Pedretti (wood products from a sustainable supply chain) and by Florim (low environmental impact ceramics).
During the first day, there was also talk of GreenBeing, and their 'Green Station', a revolutionary air purification system, based on space technologies and the extraordinary ability of plants to purify the air.
The last day, organized in collaboration with and at the prestigious Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), chaired by the former UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, focused on the good practices of companies in terms of circular economy and de-carbonization, highlighting the experience carried forward by Italian and Korean companies and by the GGGI.