The first initiatives of an annual project of the MUSE of Trento are underway, designed to approach the issues of the Anthropocene through the language of contemporary art

We are the Flood is the new platform 'liquid' - that is in constant motion and transformation - on the themes of the climate crisis, anthropocene interactions and ecological transition seen and interpreted with the eyes of contemporary art.

The annual project is promoted by MUSE - Science Museum of Trento with the artistic curatorship of Stefano Cagol and consists of a series of proposals to approach the issues of Anthropocene through the language of contemporary art, guided by the suggestions of internationally renowned artists.

The project is divided into several ‘waves’

Throughout 2022, We are the Flood will solicit the public with more 'waves', moments of in-depth analysis and diversified proposals that include a residence d ' artist, a cycle of conferences, a masterclass, didactic laboratories and a exhibitions 'liquid', agile exhibitions with internationally renowned artists and emerging artists under 35, selected through an open call. A space dedicated to the project was inaugurated at Palazzo delle Albere in Trento.

Decode through art - and together - ecological emergencies

"The project", explain Stefano Cagol, artist, creator and curator of We are the Flood and Carlo Maiolini, referent for programming Science & Humanities of Palazzo delle Albere, "arises from current urgencies and the inalienable need to probe and decode increasingly complex ecological, climatic and health issues through contemporary art. The artistic interpretation becomes a means ideal to face them, distill them and make them understandable even to an audience of non-experts , to give shape to a co-scienza where that prefix really means with, that is together".

The first liquid exhibition, from icebergs to black gold

In the first 'liquid exhibition' inaugurated in the space at Palazzo delle Albere, conceived as a 'fluid' hub of initiatives We are the Flood , there are the works of six prominent international artists: Eugenio Ampudia (Spain), Nezaket Ekici (Turkey/Germany), Elena Lavellés (Spain), Shahar Marcus (Israel), Hans Op de Beeck (Belgium) and Philip Samartzis (Australia), artists ranging in the fields of video art, eco-acoustics and performance art, taking us from the icebergs and fragmented ice of Antarctica to the Negev desert, from water to fire, to a hypnotic black gold.

Open call

We are the Flood has also launched an open call (open until May 15) and aimed at artists under 35 of any nationality, invited to propose works around the topics covered, which can be included in the program and within the of the Mostra Liquida # 2, which will open 5 June.

The other initiatives

The detailed program We are the Flood also includes a series of meetings with the public , starting from 4 May in connection with Stefano Cagol from Venice Biennale 2022. In the summer there will be a masterclass for creatives and a artist's residence.

Sharing for a new awareness

We are the Flood is based on the idea of sharing, "it aims to root us in order to create a new awareness of today and imagine different ways of existence", explains Stefano Cagol. And for this it involves a committee of researchers consultants composed, among others, by Giorgia Calò, Elisa Carollo, Alessandro Castiglioni, Blanca de la Torre, Gianluca D'Incà Levis, Mareike Dittmer, Julie Reiss, Rachel Rits-Volloch and Nicola Trezzi, flanked by the think tank MUSE Antropocene coordinated by Massimo Bernardi.