Until 15 January 2023 you can register for a competition that arises from a reflection on the architectural entrance space in its many meanings, functions and connections

Rediscovered, investigated (and re-evaluated) during the lockdowns due to the pandemic, the threshold becomes the protagonist of a competition that decrees its key role, both in creating a passage and in protecting the environment to which this special area leads.

Oikos Venezia, a Venetian company specializing in the design and design of high-end entrance doors, and the Querini Stampalia Foundation of Venice, have in fact launched the first edition of DoorScape, an international competition created to support and disseminate the architectural culture of the space of entry which sees the involvement, as partner companies, of Adler, Iseo and Laminam.

Until when can you register and where

The DoorScape - competition which can be entered until January 15, 2023 on the site www.doorscape.eu (where the full version of the announcement can be downloaded) - arises from a reflection that concerns the architectural entrance space in its multiple meanings, functions and connections. The concept of threshold, in fact, embraces different areas and assumes different roles: aspects that from practical become symbolic.

What kind of project is required

The requested project must reflect on an entrance space that can synthesize the dialogue between the function of accessing a place, in the various cultural, functional and formal declinations.

What you win

The winner is entitled to a cash prize of € 10,000.00 and the project will be exhibited, together with the other finalists, in the area created by Carlo Scarpa at the Querini Foundation Stampalia in 2023, on the occasion of the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia.

The concept - choral and multidisciplinary - of the contest

The conception of the competition was born from the union of intentions of the two promoters. A company that boasts a deep experience in the relationship with architectural culture, Oikos Venezia has always paid great attention to multidisciplinarity, considered as a source of nourishment and growth. The Querini Stampalia Foundation, on the other hand, with the corporate membership project OpificioQuerini enters into a relationship with companies and works with them on projects aimed at creating a unprecedented and common vision of the future. To date there are nine partner companies, including Oikos Venezia itself, and an ambassador, the AMDL Circle studio led by Michele De Lucchi, which embodies idea of ​​contamination of knowledge.

Who is the jury composed by

Chaired by Michele De Lucchi & AMDL Circle, the jury is composed of: Donatella Calabi, historian of the cities, Alessandra Chemollo, photographer, Emanuele Coccia, philosopher, Luciano Giubbilei, landscape and garden designer and Eugenia Morpurgo, researcher designer.

The exhibition: Carlo Scarpa and the spread of architectural culture linked to the threshold

The award involves the creation of a model of the entrance architecture of the winning project which will be exhibited, together with the other ten finalists, in a exhibition set up in the area designed by Carlo Scarpa of the Querini Stampalia Foundation, which by its nature lends itself to an in-depth study on the concept of space, entrance and threshold, for the entire duration of the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2023.

Terms and regulation specifications

The competition is open to architects, engineers, designers, planners, creatives and architecture students who can submit their projects no later than the deadline of January 15, 2023. Participation is free and free and the preferential requirements are a degree in architecture and the practice of the profession.

The project must concern the space that precedes and follows the access to the inhabited place , responding to two fundamental parameters: the entrance architecture is relevant to a residential building, the project must cover a maximum area of 300 square meters.