There is time until 11 October 2021 to apply for the Italian Architect and Young Talent of Italian Architecture Awards banned by the CNAPPC. At the center, more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive living spaces

CNAPPC - National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators presents the edition 2021 of the Festa dell'Architetto/a. As per tradition, the Italian Architect and Young Talent of Italian Architecture prizes will be awarded, highlighting the most significant works of Italian architects and PPC architects.

The theme chosen this year concerns the most effective design solutions to obtain more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive living spaces , as brought to everyone's attention by the New European Bauhaus , the European Commission's program that assigns, in an interdisciplinary vision, to art, culture, design, architecture, social inclusion, science and technology the task of designing future ways of living, combining sustainability and beauty.

Shared internationally, the 2021 theme allows us to affirm the centrality of the figure of the architect in the transformation processes of the territory and society.

As reported in the notice, registrations for competitions are open until October 11 and professional firms that have carried out and regularly completed their projects starting from 30 June 2017 can participate.

The award is scheduled for next 5 November in Venice.

All detailed information on the CNAPPC web page dedicated to Festa dell’Architetto.