Francesca Lanzavecchia, where did the Veleni project come from?
From the request of Particle who invited us to design a sustainable collection. A request that for us creators of objects seemed almost paradoxical.
Indeed, sustainability cannot be tackled in the short term but should be a long-term goal that arises from awareness and collaboration between disciplines, since it concerns every human activity.
The Poisons collection - in which microplastics, microfibres, pills, detergents, tires and lead coexist - thus started, from an extensive research, from a awareness of the harm we do to ourselves daily ingesting poisons that we produce and release into the environment and which then, invisible, return to our table.
Harmful substances that we encounter, breathe, ingest unknowingly. The pieces of the collection set a table creating a comparison, in an ironic, direct, intimate and interactive way, with some poisons.
The project is accompanied by a curatorial text by Maria Cristina Didero.