Also on the occasion of VID Intermezzo, which on the opening day also saw the lectio magistralis by sociologist Giampaolo Nuvolati entitled: “Flânerie nel design. Tra Genius Loci e memorie individuali”, the nearby Palazzina Grecale hosted the exhibition ‘Orizzonti dall’isola – un altro sguardo sul design’ organised by Venice Design Week, which saw internationally renowned designers, such as Gian Paolo Venier, collaborate with local artisans or meet the Bochaleri (traditional Venetian ceramists), and then the ‘Reborn Shapes’ project by the collective coordinated by Diana Zabarella, a skilful recovery of the waste from artisanal work in the lagoon transformed into new design objects.
The peculiarity of this Venetian October was precisely the collaboration between the two events.
For the first time, the Venice Design Week led by Lisa Balasso joined the VID – Venice Innovation Design, continuing its activities in various places in the city.