The director of Interni, Gilda Bojardi, will receive an honorary Master's Degree in Interior and Spatial Design from the Politecnico di Milano on 4 November at 5:00 pm.
The motivation that led to the decision of the prestigious Milanese institution, drawn up by Professor Francesco Scullica, Coordinator of the Degree Course Council in Interior and Spatial Design, will be unveiled on the occasion of the conferral of the degree on November 4th.
To assign the honorary degree to the director of Interni Gilda Bojardi will be Professor Francesco Zurlo , Dean of the School of Design, while the Laudatio will be delivered by Michele De Lucchi , architect and Professor of the Design Department of the Politecnico.
On the occasion of the evening, Gilda Bojardi will hold a Lectio Magistralis.
The ceremony, by invitation, will be held at Campus Bovisa, Aula Carlo De Carli Via Durando, 10 Milan.