An award for constant qualitative and innovative research that respects ethical principles, with the aim of promoting commercial success and favoring growth of companies that identify with such principles. In a difficult economic situation, such companies still exist and are growing, as highlighted by nomination for the Grandesign Etico awards. The prizes have been assigned by a jury, which has chosen the winners for the Ethics Prize and Honorable Mentionconsisting in multiples of the work by Giorgio Milani“Poetario Obliquo”, a Special Mention and the Award of Awards. Honorable Mentions went to Luisa Bocchietto, president of ADI and vice-president of DcomeDesign; Giuseppe Fasolino, mayor of Golfo Aranci (OT), together with the architect Lucio Michelettiand Ginette Gadoury,  president of SIDIM/the International Interior Design Show of Montreal, and editor of the magazine Interieurs.