With ‘Hermès in the Making’, at OGR Turin from 19 to 29 May 2022, the French maison invites you to discover its artisans and a sustainable and respons

From 19 to 29 May 2022 at OGR Turin, Hermès is invites everyone to meet its craftsmen, to discover through their skillful gestures the creative, innovative, but also sustainable and responsible spirit of the maison.

To meet the public, expert craftsmen specialized in various trades carry materials, tools and rituals, slow and wise, in their luggage. The path, guided by a play of colors, is punctuated by numerous activities, recreational, educational and informative, which include manual workshops, round tables and conferences.

Second stop after Copenhagen in October 2021, Hermès in the Making is a itinerant event that this year, after Turin, will stop over in different cities around the world.

Hermès values ​​

Since 1837, Hermès has remained faithful to its artisan model and its values ​​by creating cult objects, timeless and out of fashion: pieces facts - really - to last. But not only that, the business model of the maison is exemplary, as it is sustainable and responsible.

An independent family-owned company, Hermès is committed to retaining the heart of manufacturing in France, within its 51 manufacturing and production sites, while developing the own network of 300 boutiques in 45 countries. The group has over 17,000 collaborators worldwide, about 10,600 of which in France, including over 5,200 artisans .

An open and convivial sharing of knowledge

Hermès in the Making yes held at OGR Torino, a dynamic creative hub of 35,000 m2 in the city center aimed at cultural experimentation. Open and convivial, the scenography of the event - inspired by the craftsman's work table - is articulated around four themes which are the basis of the history and development of the maison : protection and transmission of savoir-faire, respect and quality of the materials, awareness of value of time, territorial roots .

How Hermès objects are born designed to last

L 'interesting exploration of manufacturing contemporary Hermès will lead to discover, through the work of artisans, how objects designed to last are born. Made with the finest materials, the creations of the French maison acquire a patina fascinating, they embellish themselves over time, are transmitted and repaired.

The different manufacturing skills

Precision in engraving and color printing, to enhance the silk of the carré. The ’a ability to sew a Kelly bag with saddle stitch or to model a pair of gloves. The ability and know-how to refurbish a bag. Patience in giving life to the new Hermès H08 watch or in setting diamonds on a Chaîne d’ancre bracelet. The a accuracy in painting the border of the drawing Fauves de nuit on the whiteness of a porcelain plate or the dexterity in assembling jumping saddle Hermès Vivace. These are some of the manufacturing skills that Hermès craftsmen will demonstrate.

Engaging workshops with the tools of the trade

Set up in the heart of the exhibition, interactive animations - laboratories manual skills, musical composition with tools for working leather, coloring and olfactory associations - will allow visitors to live an engaging experience.

Films and sustainable development

The films of the collection Empreintes sur le monde (Footprints on the world ), made by the filmmaker and documentary maker Frédéric Laffont, illustrating the original relationship that links Hermès to sustainable development.

The in-depth meetings

For the duration of the event, a series of round tables and conferences will allow students to explore the themes of craftsmanship and savoir-faire, as well as those relating to innovation and the transmission of knowledge.

Practical information

Hermès in the Making, from 19th to 29th May 2022

OGR Turin, Corso Castelfidardo 22

Free admission. Hours:

May 19th: from 2.30pm to 8.00pm

From May 20th every day from 12.00 to 20.00

C closed Monday 23 May