To develop new, original, innovative design formats in the sector of hospitality Ho.Re.Ca (Hotel, Restaurant, Catering) and Retail: this is the challenge for designers from all over the world in the international competition organized by Host – Fiera Milano and – Consortium of the Milan Polytechnic, with the support of ADI, the Italian Association for Industrial Design. The best projects will be selected based on their capacity to express, with original proposals, the evolution of trends and practices in the field of professional hospitality and new hybrid spaces of consumption and sales. The focus, above all, is on customer engagement and relations, with respect to the characteristics of the concept, the modes of use of the service, the products consumed, and the organization of space. A jury composed of representatives of ADI, the Milan Polytechnic and its departments, will select a range of projects that will be displayed at Host 2013, the international fair of professional hospitality, a world leader in the Ho.Re.Ca and Retail sectors, at fieramilano in Rho from 18 to 22 October 2013. From this range, the jury will then choose the three winners, for cash prizes to be announced at Host 2013.