Logic, conceptual analysis, rigorous argumentation are by historical tradition some knots that science and philosophy have in common by their nature. Unlike scientists, however, philosophers have always used these tools with greater freedom and often this freedom has turned into an important contribution at the basis of many scientific discoveries. For the great philosophers of the classical period, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, there was an affinity between the two disciplines, since philosophy, as metaphysics and theology, was also science. In the modern era, science has begun to investigate nature through mathematical tools, using an experimental method and no longer deductive as in the classical period and has gradually begun to move away from science. Simplifying as much as possible, the problem today is how to recover a cooperation that has always guaranteed fruitful results. An interesting contribution is offered by the exhibition “The wonderful journey between science and philosophy”, a journey through time illuminated by beauty, love, thought. Signed by the philosopher and president of MUSE Stefano Zecchi, it is a tribute to philosophy, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2002.