The Botanical Garden of the University of Palermo hosts the pictorial universe animated by the evolving colors of Aurora Di Girolamo. Flowers, leaves and plants take on new morphologies to return a pulsating vision

Until November 30, 2022, the Botanical Garden of the University of Palermo hosts Lympha in the spaces of the Tineo Pavilion, the first personal exhibition of Aurora Di Girolamo, curated by Maria Chiara Di Trapani, with layout and graphics by architect Stefano Pirovano.

A anthology of works - over 40 works , including canvases , painted woods, drawings and photographs - expression of thirty years of artistic research. With a multidisciplinary language, the artist has always investigated the aesthetic forms of nature.

A pictorial universe animated by evolving colors

Aurora Di Girolamo declines flowers, leaves and plants in new morphologies and in suggestive landscapes with enveloping and warm colors.

In Lympha, the public is enveloped by a pictorial universe animated by evolving colors that appears as a pulsating vision, in which flowers grow out of size and every little leaf becomes a tree.

A constant observation of nature

The artist draws inspiration from a constant observation of nature, practiced since childhood together with mother Sistina Fatta della Fratta, painter sensitive to natural elements, as from the study of Leonardo's writings and theories of botany, or from his drawings on human anatomy.

There are strong references to the American painter Georgia O'Keeffe, with her sense of vastness and the having placed the miracle of natural forces at the center of the pictorial tale.

Painting how to cultivate

By observing the flowing and moving lines of this imagined nature, one perceives its vital lympha. For Aurora Di Girolamo, the act of painting is synonymous with cultivating, etymologically" treating, developing, improving".

On display the paintings follow one another, through chromatic variations, like the seasons, whose alternation reconnects us to the mystery of life.

An osmotic exchange, between painted nature and living nature

For the personal Lympha, Aurora Di Girolamo transforms the Tineo Room thanks to a site specific installation: it intervenes on the columns by changing them in barks of tree to create an osmotic exchange between the paintings, the environment and the species of the 'living collection' of the Botanical Garden: the nature that inhabits the cultivated gardens.

A collective ritual to protect nature

Aurora Di Girolamo with her work invites you to be part of a collective ritual, to reconnect with the essence, to that hidden energy that animates the world, and remembers how to take care of it through listening, to protect it by planting new seeds.