Are there any photos that, more than others, are worth highlighting?
"Priests, nuns and friars that I photographed were very different from each other: some very happy to be photographed, others less so, others with whom I had to insist, and still others who really amazed me both for their sporting professionalism and for their rendering in the image. In some cases, already while I was shooting I was aware of the beauty, I think for example of the priest climbing or Sister Daniela dribbling against the light in her convent."
What was the guiding spirit of the project?
"It was not the search for irony, but the search for beauty in the image. The goal was to show a person who is normally thought of as extremely serious, closed in her church, engaged in a common, everyday activity, far from the canonical image. I then liked the idea that they were all strictly in cassocks, to bring it all together in a common, shared imagery. Sometimes we had to insist-because some people said that the cassock was worn only on certain occasions-but then they were all very happy to follow me in this project."