From 28 April to 1 May 2022, MIA Fair 2022, the photography fair with 97 exhibitors, awards, exhibitions and special projects, returns to Superstudio Maxi in Milan

After the exceptional autumn event, MIA Fair - Milan Image Art Fair, a prestigious Italian event entirely dedicated to the photographic image, it reappears in its usual spring location, from 28 April to 1 May 2022.

The Superstudio Maxi of Milan, in via Moncucco 35, will again welcome the 97 exhibitors from Italy and abroad who will participate in the XI edition of the event, which becomes part of the Fiere di Parma group.

The transversality of artistic languages

MIA Fair will be a place to deepen and expand research in the photographic field, focusing on the transversal nature of contemporary artistic languages.

The coordinated image and color of the food

The Dutch artist Larissa Ambachtsheer signs the coordinated image of MIA Fair 2022, with works from the series You Choose, I seduce (2017), in which he investigates human behavior creating sets of still lifes that question the role of color in food and how it can be used as a manipulation tool to interact with the public.

The heart of MIA Fair

The MIA Fair mosaic is made up of numerous tiles. The most relevant is represented by the Main section which will host a panel of exhibitors, selected by Fabio Castelli, director of MIA Fair, Gigliola Foschi and Enrica Viganò, advisor of MIA Fair.

Beyond Photography - Dialogue

Among the various sections, the confirmation of Beyond Photography - Dialogue, curated by Domenico de Chirico, which has selected artists with the invited galleries consolidated and emerging, in a dialogue between works of photography as a language of contemporary art and other medium such as sculpture, painting and installation.

The variety of initiatives

Since the first edition, MIA Fair has stood out for the quality and variety of proposals and prizes , the result of valuable collaborations with various institutions and cultural partners.

Awards that highlight the changes taking place

Among the prizes, we point out the one promoted by BNL BNP Paribas, main sponsor of the event, assigned by a jury to artists taking part in the fair, and New Post Photography, curated by Gigliola Foschi, which aims to promote the most creative and innovative trends in the field of contemporary photography, becoming a significant showcase, capable of recording and highlighting the changes taking place.

Premio Irinox

MIA Fair 2022 accoglie inoltre la prima edizione del Premio Irinox Save The Food, a cura di Claudio Composti, aperto a progetti di artisti che abbiano una relazione con il tema del cibo in ogni sua forma.

The winners

Among the many candidates, the jury declared the winners: Malena Mazza, Margherita Del Piano and Maurizio Montagna. Their works, together with those of the other finalists, will be exhibited in a exhibition.

The work Convivio by Malena Mazza will become part of the Irinox Collection, thanks to a purchase prize of 2000 euros.

Art Save the Food in Parma

Thanks to the partnership with Fiere di Parma, the exhibition will also be hosted at the San Paolo Monastic Complex in Parma in conjunction with Cibus , the international fair of agri-food made in Italy, scheduled from 3 May to 5 June 2022.

Special projects

In addition to the Main section and the awards, MIA Fair is completed with a series of special projects. Among these stands out the monographic exhibition A kind look, photographs by Marisa Rastellini, curated by Maria Vittoria Baravelli in collaboration with Mondadori Portfolio , a photo agency of the Mondadori Group that celebrates its first ten years of activity.