Numerous birdhouse projects signed by well-known architects and designers for Migrant Garden will be auctioned to support the art residences of Palazzo Monti

Unexpected, functional and creative birdhouses interpreted by contemporary designers in support of the 'environment but also of the art.

From 10 to 22 October 2022, to support the art residences of Palazzo Monti in Brescia, will be auctioned, in collaboration with Catawiki, numerous architectural models, drawings and prints created exclusively for the Migrant Garden project by some of the most famous names in the world of architecture and design, including Michele De Lucchi, MVRDV, Pezo von Ellrichshausen and Formafantasma.

What is Migrant Garden?

A no profit project curated by a team of five architects ( Stefano Madelli, Claudia Saglimbeni, Pierluigi Bardi, Federico Zucchi and Michel Molina), Migrant Garden is also a traveling exhibition that from 2015 involved 40 international architects and designers in the creation of 'an architectural manifesto in the form of a birdhouse', to promote a debate on sustainability, on environmental heritage and on landscape.

An architectural manifesto in the form of a birdhouse

40 professionals from dierent generations, coming from 15 nations and dierent backgrounds, have created as many models with several colors, shapes and materials. The works were collected and exhibited at the Politecnico di Milano (Piacenza, 2015), at the Museum of Natural Sciences (Piacenza, 2015), at Spazio FMG per l’Architettura contemporanea (Milan, 2015), at the Concentrico Architecture Festival (Logroño, 2018) and at the Lake Como Design Fair (Como, 2019).

Who participated in the project

The following studios and professionals took part in the project: A12, Altiplano, Amunt, Anna Barbara, Atelier Branco, Atelier Fala, Beniamino Servino, Bernard Khoury, Building Building, Bureau A, Camilo Rebelo, Eduardo Castillo, Emilio Marin, Fabio Alessandro Fusco , Filippo Orsini, Forma Fantasma, Fosbury Architecture, Francesco Librizzi, Go Hasegawa, Gonzalo Del Val, Juan Carlos DallAsta, Luca Molinari, Marcio Kogan, Matilde Cassani, Michele De Lucchi with Francesco Faccin, Miniatura, Mobo Architects, MVRDV, Netwerch A.D.G., Nieto Sobejano, Perry Kulper, Pezo von Ellrichshausen, Franco Purini, Point Supreme, Rudy Ricciotti, Sergio Crotti, Laura Thermes, Tsuneyama + Nousaku, Unulaunu.

To whom the auction proceeds will be donated

The proceeds from the auction will be donated to Palazzo Monti - - to support residences of emerging artists, architects and designers in order to promote creativity, experimentation and research on the themes of landscape, architecture and design.

How do you participate in the auction

The auction is accessible to everyone by registering on the website, leading online marketplace for special objects, art, design, and more