So what's the meaning of these Barricades
Each of these sculptures is therefore a Barricade, therefore in theory an accumulation of things that protect us from the outside.
But it is discovering the names of these works that we understand their meaning.
They are called To stop time, To listen to the sunset, To touch the clouds, To capture the wind, To challenge the storm, To be reborn from the ruins, To stay in balance, To be shipwrecked in this sea. And then, as already mentioned, the war is over.
It is by discovering the names, it was said, that we understand that the protection that these Barricades give us is not a closure towards the world but a possibility of discovering it with different eyes, far from the frenzy, the haste, the things done quickly and badly.
“Halfway between random assemblages and construction science, my Barricades would like to rise up to the sky to shout that the war is over”, says Trimarchi.
And those who visit the exhibition are left with the task of deciding which side to take.