Art as a transformation
This tells us about the exhibition dedicated to Paola Pezzi curated by Sabino Maria Frassà at Gaggenau DesignElementi Hub in Milan until 31 July. “All existence is a change of state,” Frassà says. “We too, like matter, are subjected to pressures and changes in the external environment, which push us to transform ourselves continuously. The challenge is to always remain ourselves ". A philosophy that the artist, in the course of his career, has internalized: having reached success very young, he has never identified himself with a specific artistic form, evolving in a linear and coherent way as his existence changes. "Passaggi di Stato showcases the continuum of this transformation of materials and ideas, a metaphor for existence. The whiteness of the matter marks how the passage of state 'from water to ice' has been and is a 'natural', almost physiological evolution, in which the point of arrival today, contains in itself, without denying it, all the past , which perhaps is not so past ”, continues the curator.