The first refurbished space dedicated to children in difficulty was delivered in Milan. The protagonist of this stage of the 'Facile sognare' project, a colorful work signed by Elena Salmistraro

The first stage of Facile Sognare, the project dedicated to children in difficulty promoted by Facile Ristrutturare in collaboration with the non-profit organization Every Child Is My Child.

With a commitment of 100,000 euros, the company has revived a building belonging to the social enterprise ControVento. The result is a space-meeting dedicated to children, made special by Felicitas, an imaginative and colorful site-specific work signed by the eclectic (and joyful) Elena Salmistraro.

The delivery of the new renovated spaces

Wednesday 21 September 2022, Giovanni Amato and Loris Cherubini, founders of Facile Ristruttuire, together with Anna Foglietta, president of Every Child Is My Child, have given the totally renovated space to the children of ControVento, a Milanese reality aimed at protecting children's rights and supporting parenting, accompanied by the general manager Sonia Oppici.

A presentation event was also held at the brand's Milan showroom to share the results of the path undertaken with the interlocutors close to the project.

A child-friendly project...

Thanks to the involvement of its architects and teams, Facile Ristrutturare has made it possible to the rebirth of a property of 150 square meters belonging to the non-profit organization ControVento and in front of the historical site of via Nino Bixio.

... to facilitate the rapprochement of minors with the family unit

The premises have been radically redesigned and transformed into a child-friendly meeting space. It is now a comfortable place, with a home atmosphere and daily usability, designed to facilitate the rapprochement of minors with the family unit, which is often difficult and conflictual.

The renovation

The renovation project was conceived, designed and led by the architect Alberto Vanin , who, thanks to a four-handed work with ControVento, first of all rethought the distribution of spaces to meet the needs expressed by the association.

The result is a place that consists of an entrance for the reception, two large living rooms where meetings can be held between children and family members and protected hearings for victims of crime, but also where you can enjoy leisure opportunities such as parties and birthdays, a kitchen for simple but of fundamental importance convivial moments, such as lunch or the snack, an office area for the association team and services.

Bringing beauty to places without it

Facile Sognare  was born with the desire to bring beauty to places that too often lack it, combining art, a fundamental element for growth and training, to architectural design.

Each intervention of the project in fact foresees the involvement of an artist who, drawing inspiration from the wishes and dreams of children, creates a large site specific work for them.

A three-dimensional rainbow designed by and with Elena Salmistraro

From the meeting between Elena Salmistraro and the people of ControVento, Felicitas took shape, a great drawing with dynamic colors , fresh and bright printed on paper that dominates a wall over 5 meters in width and 4 in height.

With her distinctive style, full of energy , color and expressive force, the designer has created an imaginative world where unicorns play around a three-dimensional rainbow, a juggling lion, geometric and natural shapes with fairy-tale references.