The board of directors of the Brescia-based faucet manufacturer has decided to bring the joint stock of the company up to 670,500 euroswith an increase of 660,500 euros, already fully deposited by the partners Chittò – Pedrali – Verri. This operation comes at the end of a complex year, but one of growth, with an 18% rise in sales for the last quarter of 2012, thanks to operations in the markets of the Middle and Far East. The new capitalization makes Teorema more solid, pointing to a positive outlook for 2013. Based on these premises, the CEO Aldo Verricommunicated last week to the sales force regarding the firm’s intention to maintain its promises of reinforcement of the Teorema brand. Starting with production, with the insertion in the catalogue in the days to come of new products that will take the place of older lines. The new offerings stand out for their design, and will be made in close collaboration with the companies of the PPB – Polo Produttivo Bresciano.