“Pistils, corollas, petals, stems, stigma, sepals, stamens, all strictly handmade. All done with extreme "non" precision. They don't express themselves but they want to express energies. They want to express a rarefied, symmetrical air, flying in the cosmos but astonished in the face of amazing natural phenomena. They belong to our fragility. They want to express a certain situation where the observer loses the precision of their shape in favor of the aura, of their inconsistency ", explains Alessandro Guerriero, curator of the exhibition. “Up close they are polychrome and sometimes even reflective. Some yellow, black, orange, gold, with informal surfaces or with geometric squares or with punctate marks. Some of them are a mandala… maybe more than one. Others seem to be done under hypnosis…. These flowers will be like pure exercises, they take place under our mental fixity, they develop circular ideas, they are a kind of waste of the times and places of our memory, rhythmic and repetitive. They are a monotonous act of dedication to the unknown, a collection of gestures, a collection of thoughts of infinite memories and fragments. All our flowers, all our signs, all our brushstrokes will be part of an anonymous crowd of more or less significant objects. The motivation of the painting does not lie in its efficiency, its reality consists entirely in the care with which it is elaborated, in the poetry it contains. "