In collaboration with FIAC (Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain), a 350 m2 apartment on Avenue Victor Hugo, in the heart of Paris, becomes the exclusive location of an “artistic squat” created by three different entities: art, architecture and design. ‘Squat #1’ is the result of the encounter between Nilufar Gallery, BaliceHertling and Dimore Studio. Nina Yashar brings, from Galleria Nilufar, some of the most prestigious pieces of her collection, together with creations by Gaetano Pesce, Jacques Adnet, Giò Ponti and Martino Gamper. Britt Moran and Emiliano Salci, of Dimore Studio, have created exclusive pieces for the event, and Daniele Balice of the BaliceHertling gallery presents works by Kerstin Braetsch, Oscar Tuazon and Samuel Richardot, as well as a fine selection of historic pieces. The show is also a setting for a series of events proposed by the community that moves around Nilufar, BaliceHertling and Dimore Studio. Like an open platform, the event will be enlivened, becoming a social space for new encounters.