Artcurial in Italia, directed by Gioia Sardagna Ferrari, presents for the second consecutive year, in collaboration with Nicoletta Rusconi Art Project, in the facility in Milan on Palazzo Crespi at Corso Venezia 22, the exhibition Sulla via Emilia. Esplorazioni di una storia curated by Giulio Bizzarri: an original reinterpretation of the exhibition curated in 1986 by Luigi Ghirri, stemming from a renewed relationship among the people who took part in that show.
Giulio Bizzarri, a collector, friend and long-time collaborator of Luigi Ghirri, brings a selection of 30 original prints from his private collection, visions of the landscape made by: Olivo Barbieri, Gabriele Basilico, Vincenzo Castella, Giovanni Chiaramonte, Vittore Fossati, Luigi Ghirri, Guido Guidi, Mimmo Jodice, Klaus Kinold, Claude Nori, Cuchi White and Manfred Willmann, at the time of the show curated by Luigi Ghirri, exactly 30 years ago, “Esplorazioni sulla via Emilia. Vedute nel paesaggio.”
Open free of charge until Friday 4 November, 10.00-18.00, closed on weekends.