Opens from 13 to 15 October at RiminiFiera Superfaces Lite , a new b2b marketplace dedicated to the whole world of surfaces for architecture, interior design and contract organized by IEG Italian Exhibition Group (international player in the congress fair sector) with the Rimini and Vicenza hubs.
The opening conference of Superfaces Lite has as its theme " Surfaces and New Design " and will take place in phygital mode on Wednesday 13 October from 3.30 pm: in presence at the Superfaces Academy (Pavilion D5 of the Rimini Fair) and online live streaming on the Superfaces Facebook page .
The event, organized by IEG Expo with the collaboration and curation of INTERNI and moderated by Patrizia Catalano, journalist, will be attended by Corrado Arturo Peraboni, CEO of IEG Expo, Giulio Ceppi (director of Total Tool Milano), Armando Bruno (CEO of Studio Marco Piva), Giuseppe Leida (founder of the Giuseppe Leida Associati studio), and Anastasia Kucherova, coordinator of special projects at the Stefano Boeri Architetti studio.