Mario Nanni recently presented, as a debut at the Design Museum of Holon, Israel, the short film “The Light of Utopia”. The narrative of light by the Italian artist was seen by an international audience of 500 professionals: architects, designers and men of culture. The video illustrates Nanni’s latest work, part of the 13th edition of the International Architecture Exhibition of Venice, under the title Common Groundand directed by David Chipperfield. 14 works of light, in which the latter becomes the tool of narration and sharing of space. The ‘common ground’ of every civilization is its history; Mario Nanni traces the confines of the religious utopia and the communist utopia, with light. A common and therefore fertile ground is thus opened up: it is the terrain of diversity among individuals, a place where differences stop being obstacles, and become a stimulus for dialogue, discussion and knowledge. It is precisely in the land of Israel that Mario Nanni narrates his light as a medium of dialogue, belonging and unity. From the votive object to the television of the people, from the baptismal font to the wall of broken dreams, from the altar of the peoples to the light of the call to arms. Light accompanies the existential path of man in all cultures, all parts of the world, for people of all colors and creeds. This is why Israel, the cradle of modern civilization, has been chosen as a starting point for a journey, a series of moments of darkness, noise, flashes, silences, reflections, shadows. A path in which only light can narrate our ideals. ‘He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is an artisan. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist’ (St. Francis of Assisi): Mario Nanni concludes his project with these words that underline the commitment, passion and pride that for 40 years have guided his work in the field of the design of light, generating his own personal design poetics.