Creativity in power
Five international creatives were chosen for the Piazza della Libertà project, recommended by as many advisors: Agostino Iacurci, selected by Domitilla Dardi; Objects of Common Interest, selected by Federica Sala; Space Popular, selected by Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli; Marjan van Aubel, selected by Angela Rui; Teresa Van Dongen, selected by Formafantasma. The second project will transform the entrance space to the Confindustria Bergamo headquarters within Kilometro Rosso Innovation District into a square dedicated to the concept of Industrious Nature. In this case, seven Italian designers were selected: Ecòl, False Mirror Office, Matilde Cassani Studio, Parasite 2.0, SalottoBuono, Studio Francesco Faccin, Studio Ossidiana.