Moments of transition and transformation
The Festiva translates these themes into the language of photography and, by extension, of visual culture, focusing on the themes of resistance, on the different reactions possible in the face of new and unexpected realities: moments of transition, which involve the transformation from one condition to another. On display: "The Lives of Women" stories of women victims of prejudice and social injustice portrayed by Mary Ellen Mark, the biography of San Benedetto il Moro, "Binidittu", reconstructed by Nicola Lo Calzo, the works of Hoda Afshar with the project "Speak The Wind" which tells the extraordinary landscapes of Iran, the "Fire on World" series by Carmen Winant (hundreds of slides describing social disorder and dissent), the Japanese Seiichi Furuya with "First trip to Bologna 1978 / Last trip to Venice 1985 "first and last trip with his wife Christine Gössler, Ken Grant's long-term project on a port district near Liverpool, the images of the young Guanyu Xu with" Temporarily Censored Home ", by Chloé Jafé with “I give you my life”, by Alexis Cordesse with “Talashi” and Jonas Bendiksen's experiment that spreads chaos in the photojournalism community with “The Book of Veles”.