Applications are now being accepted for the eighth edition of the MID – the University Masters Program in Interior Design. The program begins on 28 February and offers architects and designers a post-graduate training opportunity for specialization in interior design. MID is a result of collaboration between the Dept. of Design of the Milan Polytechnic, the SPD Polytechnic School of Design, and the consortium. Once again this year, the program will involve the finest Italian studios for every project sector: from Studio Simone Micheli to Studio Marco Piva, Studio Progetto CMR to Studio Branzi. The masters has a professional orientation and proposes a balanced system of design activities, workshops, lectures and visits, along with theoretical contributions on specific themes: lighting, materials and technologies for interiors, history of interior design, retail design. The five workshops are fundamental moments to develop solid design expertise. The themes range from domestic spaces to workplaces and retail outlets. The hotel, in its complex contemporary guise, is the subject of the fourth project area, while the final workshop is on exhibit design.