Photographs by Andrea Jemolo – until 9 September at Museo dell’Ara Pacis in Rome

Photographs by Andrea Jemolo – until 9 September at Museo dell’Ara Pacis in Rome


From September to December 2017 the Roman photographer Andrea Jemolo documented the fortification walls of Rome by using a Sinar 10×12 cm camera. Thanks to the possibility of perspective correction and long exposure times, Jemolo has produced images of very high definition that narrate and document the Aurelian Walls with their palimpsest of history and transformations.

At the Museo dell’Ara Pacis visitors can see a selection of 77 large-format color photographs. Starting from Porta del Popolo, by way of Villa Dominici and the Metronia, Latina, San Sebastiano gates, the itinerary in images reaches the last segment visible from Ponte dell’Industria.

In an ideal interaction with the images made by Jemolo, the museum also presents about 50 historic photographs selected from the Fondo Parker, held at the museum, and 17 historical images from the photography archives.