Curated by Pierluigi Nicolin, the exhibition is the result of a multi-handed work . The curation of the sections dedicated to the Masters was entrusted to Nina Bassoni (Mendini) and Gaia Piccarolo (Zanuso). Maite Garcìa Sanchis took care of the scientific coordination, she edited the section Portraits. The exhibition project is by Studio Nicolin in collaboration with Maite Garcìa Sanchis and Leonardo Sonnoli (who, together with Irene Bianchi) also took care of the graphics and communication.
The exhibition is divided into twelve chapters, symmetrically divided into six plus six, which develop along the central space of the museum. Comfort, New Aesthetics, Grand Staircase, Modular Construction, Innovation and Stone Walls the sections dedicated to Marco Zanuso; Alchemies, GlobalToys, Decorations, Museums, Houses, Text and Image those dedicated to Alessandro Mendini.
The exhibition runs along the central axis , with the works of the Masters displayed on the right and left, or on the sides (where you can find further information on the issues dealt with on the decumanus). The interplay of references between the section dedicated to Mendini and that dedicated to Zanuso is continuous : interesting, sometimes amusing, often surprising.
At the end of the path, a special installation in the spaces dedicated to the Compasso d'Oro Lifetime Achievement awards, where two episodes offer both the view of the iconic portraits by Roberto Sambonet, and a synthesis of the life and works of the two protagonists .