A tree for every citizen of the 15 Italian metropolitan areas: how the ambitious project born from the collaboration between Stefano Boeri Architetti and the AlberItalia Foundation, launched thanks to the support of Amazon, continues

Parco Italia, the national urban forestation project which aims to plant a tree for every citizen belonging to the 15 Italian metropolitan areas, has officially reached the implementation phase which, in terms concrete, will lead to the planting of the first 70,000 trees by the end of 2024.

Parco Italia: what it is

The ambitious 'Parco Italia' project, born in 2021 from the collaboration between Stefano Boeri Architetti and Fondazione AlberItalia, and financed by Amazon, is based on a long-term vision which envisages the planting of22 million trees by 2040.

Today, over 15,000 trees and shrubs have already been planted in various sites across the area, while a further 35,000 have already been allocated and will be planted by March 2024.

A forestation plan that is not only valuable, aesthetically esteemed from a landscape point of view and useful for the health of the spaces we inhabit, but also designed to create a national network of ecological corridors capable of increasing and protecting biodiversity, strengthening the presence of protected areas throughout the Peninsula.

Amazon's support for Parco Italia

Supporting the project is Amazon, which has invested an amount equal to 2 million euros allocated by the Right Now Climate Fund - the fund of $100 million with which the company commits to supporting projects based on the conservation and restoration of the natural environment around the world - to support the initial phase of Parco Italia, i.e. the preliminary research and subsequent planting of the first 70,000 trees, which will be completed by the end of 2024.

“Through the Right Now Climate Fund, Amazon is committed to supporting nature-based projects around the world that, like Parco Italia, allow us to have a concrete environmental and social impact in the communities where many of our employees and customers live. As part of our ongoing investment in Italy, we are proud to support this program in its ambitious aim to preserve and enhance the country's natural heritage” said Mariangela Marseglia, VP and country manager Amazon in Italy and Spain .

Biodiversity and protected areas: a concrete objective for Italy

Parco Italia represents an important piece in view of the 2030 Agenda of the European Union, in fact our country currently has a substantial coverage of wooded areas (currently equal to 35%) which however lacks connectivity in favor of a high ecological fragmentation (to which today 25% of the territory responds), two factors that result in the intensification of risks.

In particular, therefore, the implementation of a connection network of protected areas helps in the protection of natural resources, managed in such a way as to minimize the risks of fragmentation and increase ecological connectivity >, and in reducing the negative effects of habitat loss.

In this sense, Italy should increase the percentage of protected areas by at least 8.7% by 2030 to reach the European Union's objective.

Amazon e Parco Italia: le fasi

Proprio lo scorso mese, per Parco Italia si è ufficialmente aperta la fase di implementazione, ovvero quella successiva a quella iniziale di ricerca portata a termine a ottobre 2023 e durante la quale il team ha ottenuto le conoscenze di base per definire il piano operativo, mappare i progetti di forestazione nazionali conclusi e in corso, sia pubblici che privati, e geolocalizzare più di 400 iniziative in Italia.

Analizzando le politiche nazionali e la filiera forestale, la ricerca ha concluso che l’attuale produzione di vivai forestali, gestiti principalmente dalle pubbliche amministrazioni su scala regionale, è insufficiente a soddisfare la domanda attesa dai prossimi programmi di afforestazione.

Il team di Parco Italia ha inoltre sviluppato una mappa generale dell'intero territorio italiano, indicando le aree in cui la forestazione avrebbe un impatto maggiore in termini di aumento della connettività ecologica e della biodiversità.

Su scala nazionale, la mappa mostra chiaramente una prioritàdi forestazione, con l’obiettivo di migliorare la connettività ecologica, in Pianura Padana nel Nord Italia, nei settori di bassa montagna del Piemonte e della Lombardia, nell'interno della Toscana, in alcune aree costiere delle Marche e del Lazio, in località sparse in Campania e Sicilia.

Parco Italia, partendo dalle linee guida nazionali e internazionali di forestazione, ha sviluppato un'analisi approfondita per la costruzione di un documento complessivo di linee guida - a disposizione del pubblico sul sito - per la progettazione, pianificazione, gestione e manutenzione dei siti di piantagione di alberi in Italia.