Three artists explore the boundaries of the subsensory, mixing art, personal experience and activism: a must see of the 2024 edition

Art explores the boundaries of the subsensory thanks to the artistic project presented by the Finnish pavilion for the next Venice Biennale edited by Antonio Pedrosa.

Each of the three artists involved, in fact, has developed a transdisciplinary practice where art, personal experience and activism intertwine continuously.

The protagonists of the one who announces one of the most original experiences of in the event set up inside the pavilion designed by Alvar Aalto are Pia Lindman, Vidha Saumya and Jenni-Juuliawallinheimo- Heimen.

The Dutch pavilion at the Biennale Arte 2024

The first transformed a particular personal condition into art: the artist, in fact, after being poisoned by mercury, developed a nervous system tuned to microsegnals inside the body. Microsegnali that she transforms into works of art capable of exploring atmospheres, toxicity and materiality in various spatial and social contexts.

Vidha Saumya, co-founder of No Niin Magazine and founding member of the Museum of Impossible Forms, instead ventures between the concepts of exile and utopia, challenging the aesthetic and socio-political standards with sharp humor, tactile textures and complex artisan works but also poems, sculptures and real culinary interventions.

Jenni-Juulia Wallinheimo-Heimenn, finally, is not only a multidisciplinary artist but is also a activist for the rights of disabled people. His works deal with topics such as structural violence, disguise disguised by kindness and issues related to women with disabilities. In Laguna Jenni-Juulia will bring his vision relating to discrimination through sculptures and performances.

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Read also: Adriano Pedrosa is the curator of the Biennale Arte 2024

The pavilion, commissioned by frame contemporary art Finland , is curated by yvonne Billimore, figure with over ten years of Work experience in the artistic field as a curator, producer and manager both in Helsinki and Scotland, together with jussi ko there, independent curator who has been studying how to give artistic form to cold since 2012 economic structures.

The two did not want to unbutton the project on display at the gardens, limiting themselves to saying that it is "a multifaceted collaboration that will be able to reinvent the pavilion".

If we think about the fact that the pavilion in question has been designed by Alvar Aa Alto, the project is decidedly ambitious.