April 19 2021 The design school as a place of research for the new Made in Italy In the period of great change we are going through today, the design school – seen as a place of research and a strategic observatory on new scenarios – takes on a central role, returning to its status as a meeting place between the needs of companies and the creative intelligence of the younger generations. The result is the concept of a ‘fluid school’ where companies can conduct experiments with freedom from requirements and processes of production, while at the same time the educational experience of the students develops with a forceful orientation towards innovation. This is the perspective behind the new teaching model of the School of Design of Istituto Marangoni in Milan, where real and digital experiences complement each other, providing the students – guided by outstanding art directors – with the visionary capacity to design the ‘new normal.’
Stefano Caggiano design critic and Program Leader, Istituto Marangoni Milano Design
Giulio Cappellini art director Istituto Marangoni Milano Design
Patrizia Moroso art director Moroso
Elena Salmistraro Designer and Istituto Marangoni Milano Design Mentor
Moderator: Patrizia Catalano journalist
The talk was produced with the support of Istituto Marangoni Milano Design