Extension of the body “The body inhabits the world, creating it through the order of the tools that make it present everywhere, because all people make reference to them, and in them the body is extended,” wrote Umberto Galimberti in his famous essay “il corpo” (feltrinelli). For product designers this is an indispensable foundation: the object as extension of the body and as a means of knowing the spatial context.
Francesca thinks back on many researches in the world of art: from the Bauhaus costumes of Oskar Schlemmer to the human furniture of Erwin Wurm, and the performances of Sissi. Above all, however, she looks at Rebecca Horn. “In her work,” she explains, “I very much appreciate the dualism of creating a cocoon for distancing others, while also welcoming them in particular cases. Thus there is distancing, but also welcome. In her fan-object we see this dualism.”
The extension of the body, the prosthesis, the wearable object as a manifestation of the Self, have always been parts of Lanzavecchia’s work, in the form of fingerstalls like modern-day Daphnes, or a skirt that carries objects, like a wearable suitcase of memories to wear as a garment in the world.