Close2U, the virtual fair of the Infiniti brand to preview the products of the 2020/2021 collection to customers and the sector press

The virtual tour (from 3 to 5 November) of the Castello di Godego brand was a real success: over 550 presentations for about 300 hours of live coverage, and which involved over 1500 people in 50 different countries around the world. Close2U is a unique event of its kind, born from the need of the brand to stay close to its community in a delicate moment in which, by necessity, the opportunities for meeting have inevitably reduced. The brand has in fact reproduced, within a virtual area, a real exhibition stand where it accompanied visitors to discover new products, offering an engaging and interactive experience.

"Close2U was the event we wanted it to be" confirms Marco CeccatoInfiniti Sales-Marketing and Product Strategy director. “It was a virtual but 'human' meeting, a digital fair but with distinctly 'contact' methods, visual and vocal, question and answer, dialogue and smiles. We thought it was nice to make available all the Infiniti staff who met customers and buyers from all over the world, as well as 40 journalists from the design sector. Obviously we are not so crazy as to prefer a virtual event to a real meeting: for this reason, we hope that this was just a parenthesis that maybe we will exploit again but in a different way. Let's not forget that meeting for real, with no screens in between, is air and oxygen, even for Infiniti ”.

The virtual showroom will be accessible from 1 December 2020 on the website: