A call to support the communication of virtuous territories and realities. Not because they appear as postcards of ephemeral destinations and clichés, but to convey the idea of active, industrious, concrete communities. And beautiful, in their authenticity

How many times does it happen to arrive in places seen on publications, sites and social networks and not recognize them? And not because they are less beautiful than they appear on the web, indeed, precisely because they are more authentic, simple in their genuineness.

It is not making - overly bucolic and therefore ephemeral, stereotyped, fake - the places , thanks to filters, unnatural effects and Photoshop touches from the rendering effect (if not postcard 80s) which makes a territory attractive.

The tools are there but they must be calibrated, with measure and taste, but above all by enhancing the reality in which they are inserted. And that is why Fondazione Italia Patria della Bellezza launches the call 2023: concrete, wise and aware support for the communication of territorial and cultural projects throughout Italy, to promote virtuous realities who do not have the economic resources to make themselves known.

Read also: communicating beauty

Forum della Bellezza

On November 10, 2022, the first Forum della Bellezza (Beauty Forum), a day dedicated to the many projects that focus on the beauty of the Italian territory understood in its most broad: art, tourism, landscape care, creativity, scientific and technological research, production and planning, agri-food heritage and manufacturing excellence.

The Forum was born as a moment of comparison and growth between realities active throughout Italy, welcoming experiences and testimonies of different types and emphasizing the role that communication plays in the enhancement of a territory.

The themes and the protagonists of the panels

The day was divided into different panels, starting with Contemporary art to reinterpret the territories , in which they told their experience Amaci, Arte Sella, Hypermaremma, In Loco: Museo dell 'Abandonment, Post Disaster Rooftops , followed by The culture of know-how , which involved Accademia Teatro alla Scala, Padernello Castle, Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte foundations, Enrico Isaia and Maria Pepillo Foundation.

The last meeting of the morning, Community: new models for new destinations, featured the stories of Associazione Rondine Cittadella della Pace, Borgoland, Firenze Greenway, Il Golfo dei Delfini, Le Pescherie di Giulio Romano, Revolution of the Cuttlefish . In the afternoon the works continued with workshops on topics related to communication and territorial marketing.

The 2023 call of the Italy Patria della Bellezza Foundation

The day was also an opportunity to launch the 2023 edition of the call of Fondazione Italia Patria della Bellezza, a program to support cultural and territorial projects throughout Italy, in particular aimed at activities relating to communication , promotion and branding.

How to apply

projects can apply until December 20, 2022 . The winners will be announced on March 20, 2023. The complete announcement with the rules and all the details is online at the link patriadellabellezza.it/bandi.

The strategic role of communication

"The mission of the Foundation is to support projects that stand out for their ability to enhance the territory, finding a new key to reading and using the tangible and intangible heritage" underlines Maurizio di Robilant, president of the Italy Foundation of the Homeland of Beauty.

"The goal is to grow existing virtuous realities and fill the void related to the communication aspect of cultural projects in Italy , to spread awareness of its competitive value and its strategic role".

A concrete and active example: La Rivoluzione delle Seppie

As for dynamic virtuous realities that have clear ideas (also) in terms of communication, we cannot fail to mention La Rivoluzione delle Seppie (The Cuttlefish Revolution).

Among the winners of the 2022 call, it is a hypercollective that aims to activate practices aimed at creating forms of regeneration of areas defined as marginal, and in particular, with the concept BelMondo, from the village of Belmonte Calabro.

And it does so by experimenting with new models of life and work, using a relational approach that involves the local population and new inhabitants (students, academics, digital nomads, applicants for asylum) arriving from different areas of Italy and Europe, for a plural, multiethnic and international community.

Read also: the 4 winners of the 2022 call

The communication of a shared world

The effort and objectives of communication focused on the construction of a shared world, virtual and physical, in which the interests, visions and needs of the different realities and communities that made it up: the temporary one made up of students and professionals (to discover new worlds), the local one (with the desire to rediscover different while remaining in their place of belonging), that of migrants (in looking for a place similar to home).

"We operate in the voids of the territories, both physical and virtual, in search of abandoned shells, occupying the space and assuming its shape" they explain the young international professionals who in 2019 founded the hypercollective.

Read also: Cheap, when art meets the city

A constant but ever-changing community

In 2020 and in the following years, the pandemic has given an important boost to the desire to return to a more relaxed and natural life, often away from cities, and has transformed the temporary community into a constant community. Constant but changing. The group was enriched and populated by people who lived in Belmonte Calabro at different times of the year.

And the local community has come very close to the temporary one, thanks to a series of services that have been activated.

Speaking of towns and not villages intended as false places of worship and ephemeral destinations

"We aim to continue to create a system of relationships that first look at who lives in these places and what represent, trying to learn by evolving together with the territory . We would like to start talking about towns and not only villages intended as false places of worship and ephemeral destinations, talking about collectivity and not just about activities for the territory" conclude the young people of The Revolution of the Cuttlefish.

"Trying to offer new solutions and broaden visions, through unconventional training activities and experiences that involve multiple cognitive and experiential backgrounds". 


Top and in the article: public art billboards edited by Cheap for La Rivoluzione delle Seppie, BelMondo, Crossings 2022, Belmonte Calabro (CS). Source: facebook.com/larivoluzionedelleseppie / instagram @cheapfestival