Edra is the company that deconstructed the classic sofa, when Francesco Binfarè eliminated the intersection between the horizontality of the seat and the verticality of the backrest: how much can still be innovated in a field like that of upholstered furniture where there is no lack of things the mediations?
“The deconstruction of the sofa is the result of a long research process. When authors join the company, they often don't even have a drawing in their hands. But they have an idea in mind. Sometimes years pass from their story to the presentation of the product. And there are always more voices. In this process, the project comes to life, thanks to dialogue, comparison and experimentation, which result in an indefinite number of prototypes to strive for perfection. In our DNA there is certainly the exploration of new paths, yes. We always have and will continue to do so. A few years ago the journalist Alice Rawsthorn for the New York Times asked if 'we really need another chair'. I think so, at least every time that session is effectively 'innovative, beautiful, sustainable, expressive, useful', and above all it makes those who sit well feel good, in such a deep way that it wants to be handed down from generation to generation, without ever ' go out of fashion '".