Whether in installations that reveal novel perspectives on age-old histories, or in the design of houses made to measure for virtual heroes, the key factor of interaction design is always the same: a multidisciplinary attitude. “Which does not mean putting a psychologist, a philosopher or a developer alongside an architect or a designer, in banal terms,” Dotdotdot explain, “but to create a team in which everyone speaks a shared language, interpreting a reality that is becoming more and more complex, in which the integration of services becomes necessary, and the audience needs simple, understandable solutions. For this reason, different types of professional expertise have to join forces, starting with the brainstorming sessions. This process creates a sort of serendipity, an all-around form of creativity that leads to unexpected results, richer than traditional creativity. This approach is finally making inroads even in the most traditional spheres of interior design. We are now often called in to make a contribution to the interpretation of the possibilities of a space – be it residential, commercial, or for healthcare – and to analyze how it can be designed for better living. The time will come when our abilities will also be utilized in the previous phase, that of the true architectural design.” Which will undoubtedly lead to even more interesting developments.