Constantly engaged in identifying trends and innovations, but also cutting-edge technological solutions, Tile of Spain, the umbrella brand of the Spanish ceramic tile manufacturers, represents the commitment of more than 100 companies in the good work for ceramics. Tile of Spain, la marca paraguas de los fabricantes de cerámica española, representa el compromiso por el buen hacer en la producción cerámica

In Spain, talking about ceramics and trends cannot ignore the mention of Tile of Spain, the umbrella brand that brings together more than 100 manufacturers of ceramic tiles.

And, never like today that this material with very ancient origins is going through one of its most flourishing historical phases, thanks to the versatility that makes it usable in multiple variations, the need to dictate trends in terms of new finishes, formats and textures follows a rapid and pressing cycle .

For Tile of Spain, identifying trends is equivalent to studying new products aimed at satisfying the demands of designers and architects, to better adhere to the evolutions of living.

To do this, it relies on the support of research such as the 'Cuaderno de tendencias del hábitat', an annual publication produced by the Observatorio de Tendencias del Hábitat (OTH), a project which includes three Spanish institutions, constantly engaged in the elaboration of exhaustive analyzes about socio-cultural, environmental and communicative evolutions with respect to trends in architecture and interior design.

Awareness and reassuring textures

At the top of the list of priority topics right now is the climate crisis and the consequent scarcity of natural resources: a topic Tile of Spain pays particular attention to.

This translates not only into their whole production process, but also into collections that promote responsible consumption, keeping the refinement of the finishes and the engaging aesthetics.

In this sense, the finishes go from the future and more minimalistic appearance with polished tiles, to pieces that bring primitive aesthetic with rough surfaces. Spanish ceramics can bring a portion of peace and calm into the domestic space when choosing natural tones that blend harmoniously with warm and reassuring tones.

In favor of total comfort

To support the concept of the home as a refuge, as a place of protection and well-being, Tile of Spain has identified some guidelines that help to interpret ceramic tiles as a fundamental part of the domestic identity: neutral palettes and textures calming, with a sensory declination that allows you to design regenerating environments. Ceramic mosaics and material patterns satisfy the eye and evoke serenity.

The innovation and tradition that accompanies every tile

Spain has been manufaturing ceramic tiles from hundreds of years an, for this reason, research and innovation is fundamental for the Spanish industry. Tile of Spian is synonim to quality, versatility, durability and sustainability in all its three key areas and thus, it is reflected in the material manufactured, which meets the most demanding needs without leaving its tradition.

Spanish ceramics are suitable for any type of project, from the ones which treasure the most precious legacy of the history of the sector to buildings which show the most avant-grade technologies in their façades and coverings. Some examples of this two poles are the last winners of the Tile of Spain Awards.

First, the 'Social Housing in Ibiza' project by the Ripoll-Tizón architecture studio, which incorporates elements from different eras, creating an avant-garde environment that arouses curiosity and stimulates the imagination.

On the contrary, the project 'Avila. Planning an empty space' by All Around Lab which which is capable to minimize the use of materials and aesthetic resources by using just one type of ceramic slab for the whole project.