In 2022, Mo. 1950 opens a new concept store in via Carducci, designed by Matteo Lualdi of the lualdimeraldi studio, which offers customized solutions thanks to the offer of Olivieri and Frag and the technical contribution of Carpet Edition.
The strength of Mo. 1950 is also the consolidated network of professionals, artisans and subcontractors who allow the most disparate changes to the catalog standard. And the materioteca, with multiple moodboards that combine stoneware, fabrics, wallpaper, wood and other materials to guide customers - mostly designers and general contractors - in the multiple customization possibilities.
One of the latest references is the Heliora residential complex in Milan, which is the synthesis of reciprocity between the brands, in response to an increasingly pressing demand from manufacturers for flexibility , breadth and competitiveness of the offer.
Pianca & Partners is a network of companies serving architects, interior designers, developers, builders and investors, to whom it offers consultancy and dedicated products for custom projects in the residential, hôtellerie, naval and real estate sectors.
The network of 27 made in Italy brands, of which Pianca is the leader, works as a facilitator and accelerator in contract projects. The variety of the brands allows for tailor-made supplies from interior doors to armored ones, from stained glass windows to wood paneling and wallpaper, from furnishings for the whole house to lighting.