The well-being linked to the relationship with nature? Certainly, but not only in a bucolic key, understood as a (vague) rural idyll. Well-being is also linked to (hard) work in nature, that of the fields. To remind us of this is a simple project - whispered - that reconciles functionality and intimacy, even conviviality. One made of daily and domestic gestures, as unadorned as authentic. Silent.
We are in high Brianza, among the mulberry fields at the foot of the Montevecchia hills, where the young studio a25architetti, founded by the brothers Francesco and Paolo Manzoni, has converted a small farm building into an unexpected space, for its owner, Mr. Benvenuto, but not only: hospitality finds a home here. The name, yes that is poetic, is called Rifugio del Gelso (The Mulberry Refuge).