Every publication is a team effort
INTERNI DESIGN JOURNAL has been created because the editor of INTERNI, Gilda Bojardi, an incorrigible visionary, has decided to believe in something different: a website that does not chase clicks, but attentive, enthusiastic readers.
INTERNI DESIGN JOURNAL begins as digital support for the special issue of INTERNI in June – which with 170 interviews about the restart and a portfolio of new products for 2020 instantly become a collector’s item. Few publications would be able to offer such a complete overview.
INTERNI DESIGN JOURNAL has been invented and developed during lockdown, through remote working, at a distance, in the midst of all kinds of difficulties and challenges, thanks to an editorial staff – that of INTERNI – made of extraordinary, expert and highly organized people. As well as a network of collaborators, precious contributors often encountered thanks to the generosity with which they have cooperated with my e-magazine DesignAtLarge. Not many people would have been so ready to come aboard on a new project, in a moment of objective difficulty for all.
Particular thanks go to Claudia Foresti: her creative input (and endless precision) have been fundamental.
On 3 June, the Journal won’t be as perfect as we hoped. But as Sorrentino says, “true beauty has flaws.” Which means we can be certain that in time, together, we can make INTERNI DESIGN JOURNAL even more beautiful.
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