RBM More sets new standards of wellbeing thanks to innovative solutions for designing and creating living and working spaces, both collective and private, inspired by a new concept: climatic wellbeing

Climate Wellbeing means feeling good where you live and work. Simple to say, difficult to put into practice. This is why RBM More has created a range of integrated systems to manage, control and optimise the three air variables indexes of wellbeing in environments: temperature, humidity, quality. Systems that adapt to habits, needs and requirements, improving the quality of life: everything is connected, controllable and integrated.

Imitating nature

Temperature management solutions are inspired by a simple principle: imitate nature. To maximise climatic wellbeing in an architectural space, the company relies on innovative, heterogeneous radiant elements that can be used in various applications, both to heat and cool the environment, exploiting the natural convective motions of the air, avoiding forced circulation if it is not functional to a rapid restoration of wellbeing conditions.

An emotional journey

On the occasion of FuoriSalone 2022, Marco Carini designed the showroom at Via Solferino 15 defined by intense tones, an art gallery displaying systems, invisible and concealed in the architecture, like paintings hanging on the walls. The space has become an emotional journey in which the visitor can interact with the systems to understand how they really work.

The new Calidarium

The protagonist of the installation is the new Calidarium, which captures the attention thanks to walls in crystal grey that establish a geometric dialogue with the volumes already present in the room. A portion of the bathroom with a transparent wellness shower encloses different systems, shown in view or concealed by Mutina coverings, in a play of colours inspired by London neighbourhoods and a reinterpretation of modern mosaics. Inside the Calidarium, More Pad indoor floor and ceiling: a low-voltage radiant mat in technopolymer, with minimal thickness, easily modelled on the shapes of the surfaces to be covered.

More Pad Invisible Kit

More Pad Invisible Kit is a pre-assembled kit for supplementary heating of wall portions. An evolution of More Pad, it uses Pad Outdoor as the heating element, supplied in 1,500 mm strips at 230 V, sewn onto a flexible support and individually wired: this triggers a reaction of nanoparticles by molecular vibration that generates the heating of the semiconductor polymer. The heating element can be applied with a plastered, tiled or drywall finish.

Silent odour elimination

Smell Free is an innovative system that can be combined with traditional ventilation systems and modern VCM machines. It replaces the suction terminal in the bathroom, ensuring effective air exchange and fast odour elimination by capturing odours through the flush box. Furthermore, the absence of powered suction fans guarantees maximum silence.

The design by Piero Lissoni

Finally, the radiator valves designed by Piero Lissoni, defined by an ergonomic and gentle shape, to be installed on radiators to control the flow of hot water, adjustable according to one's needs. An element that combines aesthetics and functionality, the valves have been cleaned of any superstructure to enhance the purity of the cylinder. The valves, which are the result of a careful study of proportions, are presented in two colours, white and black, which can be expanded in different colours to offer more options in the catalogue and allow the end customer to best respond to their own aesthetic taste.