Atmosphere, emotions, and twilight hues to compose new colors and dictate a new perception of space: functional choices turn into sensory and perceptual choices

In interior design, color is a "material" for design: it can tell the story of habits and lifestyles, translating into colors that define spaces and improve to the living quality of spaces. Tailor-made design, a strong point at Isoplam, is a counterpoint to the launch of a new palette, with creative and unexpected color solutions: Sunset Glow.

Read also: Design and nature in Isoplam decorative paints

Mix of nuances

Isoplam's new color collection consists of a mix of shades designed by the company's R&D department to integrate the beauty and charm of nature into the built environment. Shades and glow of the sky during sunset inspired the most saturated (greens and blues), brightest and brightest (yellow and gray), and softest and warmest (pink and orange) hues.

Practical needs and personal aspirations

"The spirit of research and experimentation animates the doing within the company and in our workshop," explains Francesca Martignago, Isoplam sales manager. "Every work is done in direct relationship with clients, accompanied by designers, to know and interpret practical needs and personal aspirations."

Chromes in tune with biorhythms and needs

Sunset Glow by Isoplam captures not only the hues of the sunset, but also the enveloping atmosphere, and becomes a tool to enhance harmonies and contrasts of construction details, emphasize furnishing complements, and infuse depth to spaces, public or private. "With the new Sunset Glow palette we wanted to respond to different requests, choosing natural colors in tune with biorhythms, needs and aesthetic, practical and compositional necessities. Unprecedented colors, like the entire range of Isoplam coverings on which they can be applied," Martignago continues.

Guaranteed and long-lasting

Sunset Glow by Isoplam is available for Microverlay microcement and each of its declination: Micro Compact, Micro Flat, Micro Salt and Pepper, Micro Velvet, characterized by different surface textures, capable of evolving over time without losing aesthetic performance. The variants are designed to meet specific needs and the characteristics of the space in which one intervenes; or to create new projects or to renovate existing surfaces, always obtaining a high-level, guaranteed and long-lasting result.

The new shades of the Sunset Glow Isoplam palette, combined with the continuous surface, without joints or seams, and the extreme possibility of tactile customization of creative cements, create total, immersive environments with great scenic impact.