“The mountains are a way of living life. One step ahead of the other, silence, time and measure” writes Paolo Cognetti in Le otto montagne published by Einaudi . And it is the same slow and rhythmic doing of modeling, decorating and baking the material; the same don't do: that waiting patient and wise to which we are no longer accustomed, essential for the success of craftsmanship. Thoughtful gestures and dilated moments in which to recalibrate a rhythm - of pace, breath, life - analog.
If in the last two years contemporary life has become more and more digital and multitasking, more permanent but even faster and more frenetic, even communication professionals are once again using (and getting dirty) their hands, to shape raw materials but above all to find a way to do old style (if not of ancient memory): slowed down, quiet and focused. To (re) find time to listen to yourself.
Like Lucia Portesi who for over ten years has been working in a communication agency, a sector that with the pandemic has accelerated its already very fast pace, and now proposes her own personal project (imbued with passion): Gli Appuntiti, a series of hand-decorated plates that reproduce the essential profile of three peaks of the Ampezzo Dolomites.