The purposes of common benefit will be pursued in carrying out the business in an integrated manner and included in its Statute to align and protect the mission in the medium and long term.

From January 2022 IPE-Visionnaire becomes a Benefit Company which, in addition to economic profit, will have the aim of bringing common benefit to the ecosystem that constitutes it and in which it operates, making its activity a guide and engine of innovation for people, communities , territories and environment, cultural and social assets and activities, bodies and associations.

The company, which bases its business on the value of knowledge and the continuous search for contemporary aesthetic standards, is known for haute couture design projects and artifacts that encourage and enhance the production of local craftsmen in Italy. Visionnaire also nourishes a strong sense of responsibility towards the territory which is expressed in the protection of natural heritage and human capital, an awareness that guides cultural vision, selection of materials and all the processing phases foreseen by the production cycles.

“We are proud to have reached this important corporate milestone, which represents the culmination of a long entrepreneurial path made of experience and work ethic, affirm Leopoldo Cavalli, CEO of Visionnaire, and Eleonore Cavalli, art director of the brand. "We dedicate this milestone to the founders of the company Vittorio, Pompeo and Carlo Cavalli and above all to our father Luigi, who passed on to us the competence, the vision towards the future and the love for our work. We also thank our partners of the participating funds Ergon Capital and Altopartners for having believed in this project that makes us pioneers of a profound transformation in the sector, with the transition from luxury to meta-luxury ”.

Read here the purposes of common benefit included in the company's Statute.