ADI Association for Industrial Design, at its new ADI Design Museum – Compasso d’Oro, hosts the exhibition Best Italian Exhibition Design, featuring 15 totems for the display of temporary works of architecture created by Italian designers. ADI has also organized the prize ceremony for the 2nd edition of the competition Il design aiuta a guarire (Design Helps to Heal), supported and promoted by ADI_AIRC Lombardia_ LoveDesign, for the design of objects and services to improve the quality of life of children battling serious health problems. Moreover, in the spaces of the new ADI Design Museum, ADI organizes Compasso d’Oro. Focus on… i protagonisti: a series of meetings dedicated to the protagonists and the products of the XXVI Compasso d’Oro, awarded on 9 September, to spread the values of Italian design through the keywords of this edition of the award: development, sustainability and responsibility. Le Vie del Compasso d’Oro initiative offers a dense map of design places in Milan and surroundings, to explore the products related to the ADI Compasso d’Oro Award through direct experience in showrooms, design studios, schools, foundations, museums, galleries, boutiques, restaurants and cafes.Finally, there is also a conference coordinated by the magazine Platform on the theme Platform Italy 2020: The Best Italian Architects and Designers Under 40, in which 50 architects and designers tell their stories.
Talk Exhibition design, arte e multimedialità
Conversation between Sergio Buttiglieri, Style Director Cantieri navali Sanlorenzo and Franco Rolle, Studio NEO [Narrative Environments Operas] – Compasso d’Oro 2020/xhibit design project Il Mare a Milano
The talk is introduced by Perla Gianni Falvo, Consiglio direttivo ADI
To participate booking online here and Facebook live streaming on @ADIassodesign
Talk Editoria del design: dalla narrazione ai nuovi modelli partecipativi
The evolution of the publishing sector told by Gilda Bojardi, editor in chief Interni magazine and Compasso d’Oro – Career Award 2020
The talk is introduced by Luciano Galimberti, ADI president
To participate booking online here and Facebook live streaming on @ADIassodesign
Talk Arco, Nathalie e Sacco: tre icone del design italiano: curiosities and new stories about the winners of the first edition of the Compasso d’Oro – Product Career Award.
With: Giovanna Castiglioni, vicepresident Fondazione Achille Castiglioni and Francesco Rodriquez, R&D Manager Flos; Massimiliano Messina, President Flou; Marta Zanotta, Marketing & Communication Manager Zanotta
The talk is introduced by Simona Finessi, ADI General Department Committee
To participate booking online here and Facebook live streaming on @ADIassodesign
Talk La storia del design attraverso la Distribuzione e la sua evoluzione
Conversation between Puccio Duni, Compasso d’Oro – Career Award 2014 and Patrizia Di Costanzo, coordinator Department ADI Distribuzione e Servizi.
To participate booking online here and Facebook live streaming on @ADIassodesign
Talk Il futuro in mano: design e ricerca tecnologica per superare il deficit fisico
With Matteo Laffranchi e Nicolò Boccardo, researchers Rehab Technologies Lab of IIT – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Lorenzo De Bartolomeis and Gabriele Diamanti, Dpdstudio – Compasso d’Oro 2020, Hannes prosthetic.
The talk is introduced by Francesco Zurlo, ADI permanent observatory
To participate booking online here and Facebook live streaming on @ADIassodesign
Talk “Focus sui giovani: le tesi sul podio del design” with the protagonist of Targa Giovani 2020: Pietro Gnali with Andrea Gallina, Caterina Castiglioni with Mario Bisson and Stefania Palmieri, Gianmarco Gatti with Lucia Pietroni
The talk is introduced by Antonella Andriani, vicepresident ADI
To participate booking online here and Facebook live streaming on @ADIassodesign
from 30/9 Tuesday-Sunday h. 11.00-20.00