1. Modulnova RID

Blade Lab, design Carlo Presotto/ Andrea Bassanello

2. Modulnova RID

Blade Lab, design Carlo Presotto/ Andrea Bassanello

3 Modulnova RID

Skill, design Carlo Presotto/ Andrea Bassanello

4. Modulnova RID

Twenty Frame, design Carlo Presotto/ Andrea Bassanello

5. Modulnova RID

Blade, design Carlo Presotto/ Andrea Bassanello

Home Passion Design

Integrated design redefines traditional volumes, expressing a new interpretation of architectural space. The design concept of the home in Modulnova style translates into new materials and exclusive finishes to formulate the kitchen, living and bathroom collections, developing a versatile system with fluid interconnections between zones. The Modulnova space also hosts the exhibition “The Outside Inside. Urban Architecture” by the photographer Roberto Graziano Moro.



photo gallery

Monday-Sunday h. 10.00-19.00

T. 02 36594870