After the welcome by Gilda Bojardi, editor in chief of Interni, Giorgia Zanellato made her debut recalling her experience in the design department of Fabrica, a research center of the Benetton group and the opening, together with Daniele Bortotto, of their studio in Treviso in 2013. to whom they presented their first project, the Acqua Alta collection for Rubelli, at the Salone Satellite in Milan, a tribute to Venice that marked the beginning of a research on the relationship between places and the passage of time through analysis and reinterpretation of artisan techniques linked to the territory. After this first encounter with a textile surface, ceramic becomes material to tell stories, to recover history reinterpreted through a contemporary language: from the collaboration with Botteganove for a project on ceramic surfaces for the Moulin des Ribes in Grasse in France in which the coatings define the space much more than furnishings and accessories do, at Marea for DeCastelli a sideboard on whose changeable metal skin are composed rigorous shapes that trace the signs of time one on the other, at Dot for Delsavio 1910 homage to the tradition of Palladian flooring revisited in a contemporary key, a game of contrasts between the irregular pattern of the marble background and the perfect circles that appear there, up to the Storie for Cedit collection in large-format slabs (240x120 cm) that tell stories through alterations, wear, stratification of matter over time.