How to light interiors to feel comfortable (and save money)
"There has been a great change in the last ten years with the transition to LED sources, which are much more efficient than traditional light sources, but whose energy consumption still needs to be calibrated", says Paolo Brambilla, design curator of Flos with the Calvi studio Brambilla.
"It is always good to have the right light in the correct quantity and modality. Too often we see a waste of light, lighting used in an uncomfortable and non-ecological way, in the sense that it moves away from the physiological needs of our bodies and the environment.
Indoor, for example, it is important to be able to recreate an illumination that follows and respects our biological rhythms of wakefulness and sleep.
This mainly concerns work environments, for which we are studying systems with Flos that can meet the needs of comfort luminous, which also means saving energy.
Another context on which we are working a lot with Flos is outdoor lighting: outdoors there is a huge waste of light, which causes different types of problems. Artificial light used indiscriminately in the night interferes with the biorhythm of plants, insects and animals.
Outdoor lighting must also be calibrated for the well-being of our eye, which must continually balance the excessive contrast between the darkness of the night and artificial light".