What can we learn from design? An exhibition on the Compassi d'Oro for Lifetime Achievement, interpreted by great Italian graphic designers at the ADI Museum, teaches us this

What was the poster I wanted to take away? The one dedicated to Adriano Olivetti, who however sold like hot cakes in a few days among the 139 present at the exhibition Career Manifesto. Homage of Italian graphics to the Masters of the Compasso d'Oro. Reason? He spoke of Utopia, a word full of hope and project at the same time, very current in a world in search of itself as the contemporary.

That the ADI museum has set up, curated by Luca Molinari with Maria Antonietta Santangelo, is a doubly interesting exhibition. On the one hand, because dozens of creative studios have been called upon to reinterpret, through a poster, the message of designers, companies, cultural institutions and schools that have received the prestigious award over time. On the other hand, because it allows people like us - fans of the culture of design - to make a kind of psychotherapeutic journey to get to know ourselves through design. It's like a game (and even brings home a poster of your choice): choosing the messages that in our opinion best describe what the design was and can still be (and also, if desired, what it will be). Here is our choice.

 Read also: what makes the ADI Design Museum special


Marcel Breuer sensed that the world could be made lighter if it was placed on almost invisible structures. He designed furniture like Michelangelo sculpted marble, by way of removing. Its bent tubular reminds us that straight roads, if we want them to lead everywhere, must contain elegant curves. Here in Mario Trimarchi's reinterpretation.


“The term utopia is the most convenient way to liquidate what one does not have the desire, ability, or courage to do. A dream seems like a dream until it starts somewhere, only then does it become a purpose, that is, something infinitely greater”. And designing is this, in principle, from the etymology of projecting, launching forward, with a direction, a purpose and a system around it, like the labyrinth represented in the manifesto designed by Elio Carmi in homage to Adriano Olivetti.


Order, harmonies, contrasts. Shapes, lines and proportions. It is enough to say a little, in a well-organized way, to make everything understood. The Braun brand has taught us that. Now re-read by Marco Molteni and Margherita Monguzzi of jekyll & hyde.


Believing even the most absurd hypotheses and being amazed by the effect that design has in common with love, both contain a bet. As it was for Aldo Rossi's Cubic pot for Alessi, a praise of madness. Precisely for this reason Giulio Iacchetti made it a symbol to describe the company.


Bringing people and projects together, guiding processes and at the same time letting go of what will be, the flow of ideas and skills that meet. Domus Academy, in the Gtower Studio manifesto, is a model of this.


Voice of the verbs to assemble and disassemble, to play, to make mistakes, to overturn, to unhinge meanings and habits. Design is a great adventure to be lived with an open mind, as taught by the great Munari, who has broken down and reassembled our imagination in his own way, as the gumdesign poster highlights.


A partisan who sewed her skirts with parachutes abandoned in the fields by the Nazis. Design is also this: resistance, recycling, rebirth. Words that describe Cini Boeri's projects well. Like the iconic Strips sofa, designed in 1972 for Arflex and still in production today, which becomes a graphic icon in the poster by Claudia Neri of Teikna Design.


Dedicating space, time and commitment to young people is one of the challenges that society should never give up. Because they will be the ones to see even further than those who preceded them. In Bruno's poster (Andrea Codolo and Giacomo Covacic) the words Salone and Satellite rotate on the same axis, simulating the movement of the focus.


Involve everyone, work, think and implement a project together to multiply its social impact. The important thing is not to win, but to participate with others in building the future. As Riccardo Dalisi did in Naples, in the Rione Traiano, designing together with the children of the neighborhood, to whom the Monica Nannini poster is dedicated.


Revolutionizing the way of life, changing forms, functions and uses. Basically our way of life. Knowing and knowing each other is important in order to shape the future. Like the one imagined for Apple by Davide Falzone, which combines the perforated tape and the Command key of the keyboards.